function GoogleGoalConversion() { try { //ga('send', 'event', 'Lead', 'Submitted'); //new analytisc tag gtag('event', 'submission', { 'event_category': 'Lead submitted' }); fbq('track', 'Lead'); } catch (exception) { } } function FireGoogleEventAndLoadPage(obj) { $(obj).prop("disabled", true); var linkType = $(obj).attr("data-link-type"); var googleEvent = $(obj).attr("data-google-event-cta"); if (googleEvent != undefined && googleEvent != null) { for (var i = 0; i < ga_events.length; i++) { var event = ga_events[i]; if (parseInt( === parseInt(googleEvent)) { ga('send', 'event', event.category, event.action); } } } gtag('config', 'AW-10982784871');
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Performance Reviews Simplified

A streamlined and formalized process for Council to establish a baseline for a CAO's performance, identify desired results, and strive for constant improvement.


Based on best practices

our tool effectively evaluates:

Relationship Building

Fiscal Management

Goal Achievement

Policy Advice and Leadership

Assistance to Council

Human Resource Management

Business Meeting

“The strength of this tool is that it focuses on the relationships that are key to success for a CAO."

CONSISTENT performance evaluation of municipal managers STARTS with Council.

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Discover how our Digital Evaluation Tool will get you started on the path to success!

A Strategic Steps expert will be in touch with more information shortly!

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