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Ian McCormack has a passion for good governance and lives in the professional space between elected officials and organizations’ senior management. His areas of interest include local government, libraries, housing, post-secondary education, health, non-profit organizations and community safety.


Ian believes that the expertise is often ‘in the room’, and only has to be teased out. He knows that culture is critical, so working on change must be done mindfully and it can take considerable time. Who’s Driving the Grader is an example of how the lessons are learned through a situationally-specific lens.


Ian is acutely aware of the relationship that municipalities must build with other orders of government so that citizens are best served. He is nationally accredited as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and is also certified as a change management practitioner.


As the President of Strategic Steps Inc. Ian and his associates focus on complex, independent projects, primarily within the Canadian local government realm. The company works on many projects that include strategy development and implementation, orientations, policy and bylaw updates, and reviews that help local governments get back on track. From time to time, Ian is asked to speak or host workshops at local government conferences on both sides of the border.


What attributes make a good leader?


Ian McCormack has had conversations with hundreds of mayors and thousands of councilors and other local leaders over the years. Some common themes emerged among those appreciated as the most effective. This book will provide 25 key attributes of great leaders around three major thematic areas: personal characteristics, community leadership, and governing.


Ian McCormack explains the core principles needed to steer today's leaders from an uninspired abyss. This book explores what makes municipalities the best they can be and where some of them fall short. By exploring the principles of good governance and how they can be implemented for the benefit of the people, it is hoped that elected officials, municipal administrators, and interested citizens might make their communities even better. 

Who's Driving the Grader_
Municipal World Podcast (Stop Doing Stupid Stuff) Part 1

Avoid the patterns and pitfalls that land your organization in hot water. 


Ian McCormack - author of Who's Driving the Grader? Joins Municipal World CEO Susan Gardner to discuss the behaviours that land municipal leaders in the court of public opinion.


How do you prevent this from happening? Tune in to find out?

Municipal World Podcast (Stop Doing Stupid Stuff) Part 2

Part 2 of the Municipal World podcast. Stop Doing Stupid Stuff

Thriving Mayor Show Podcast

Ian joined host Michael Hubicki to share some of his "Ianisms" including:

  • No strategy survives first contact with reality

  • It's never about what it's about

  • You don't know what you don't know

  • Closing on a positive tone

ResourceX Webinar

Major societal problems exist, and solutions seem out of reach. At ResourceX, we attempt the difficult and dangerous alongside the change agents within every municipality with whom we partner. There are resources available. We will help you find them.

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Strategic Steps’ offices are located on the traditional territories of the Indigenous peoples of the Treaty 6 and Treaty 4 regions, and the Metis Settlements and Metis Nation of Alberta. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and all First Nations Peoples of Canada, whose presence and cultures continue to enrich our community today. 

Phone: 780-416-9255



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